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 Understanding and Mitigating Account Takeover (ATO) Risk  

This course provides pertinent information to help organizations understand their account takeover risk exposure and how this affected by their industry as well as the policies and procedures in place. Account takeover and related concepts are defined as well as techniques organizations can employ to mitigate account takeover risk. This course also includes discussions about third party tools and services and how they can be used to identify and prevent account takeover fraud.


We Want 100% Satisfaction: There is nothing worse than signing up for training only to find out that it wasn't on the topic you expected, or it wasn't advanced enough to provide value. If you have any doubt about the fit of a course to your particular needs, please give us a call. We will be happy to discuss the course, and to provide a more detailed overview on the content to ensure you make the most of your training dollars and time.

Account Takeover Risk

  • Any organization that offers user accounts protected by a login and password is susceptible to account takeover. With the high availability of emails, user names and passwords compromised through data breaches, phishing scams and other means, organizations are finding that account takeover is becoming more of an issue. Businesses operating online need to take the necessary measures to understand their risk exposure to account takeover (ATO) fraud as well as familiarize themselves with how to better recognize and prevent account takeover.


    This course was last updated in February, 2019 to include updated statistics regarding data breaches and fraud activity related to account takeover, as well as expanded discussion around third party tools and services that can be used to detect ATO. HTML5 - compatible with all browsers and mobile devices.


B. Holmes, eCommerce Certified Fraud Professional

For a merchant starting business, if they know about these training programs it would save them a lot of trouble down the road. Unfortunately many don’t learn about fraud until it is too late.

E. Dietrich, VP Global Fraud Prevention Risk Services, ACI Worldwide

The training program is fantastic. You don’t have to download anything, it runs quickly and easily right on your web browser. You can pause and go back to write down or review information, play and navigate through the lessons seamlessly.

T. Hornbaker, eCommerce Certified Fraud Professional

With my experience I thought I would breeze through the training program with no problem, but I’m finding myself challenged in some aspects and learning things I haven’t seen before.

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